
Kamotsuba Jinja


Kamotsuba Jinja 鴨都波神社
Nara, Gose City 奈良県御所市宮前町513番地

This shrine dates back to the Asuka period.

Among the ancestors of the Kamo clan, who moved out of the hilly land for the Nara basin, one branch of the family settled along the Katsuragi River erecting Kamotsuba jinja,
and another settled at Higashimochida and erected the shrine Katsuragi Mitoshi jinja 葛木御歳神社.

This shrine is standing amid the remains called 'Remains of Kamotsuba.' 鴨都波遺跡.
Kamotsuba jinja was designated as a prefectural shrine in 1927. In this region the first members of the Kamo clan 鴨族 started rice cultivation and bulit the first shrine,
Takakami Jinja 高鴨神社.

Kamotsuba jinja Shrine is also referred to as
'Shimogamo-sha Shrine' (literally meaning "lower Kamo jinja Shrine").

According to the shrine's biography, Okamotsubime, the grandchild of
Otataneko 太田田根子 founded Kamotsuba jinja by an Imperial order during the reign of the Emperor Sujin 崇神天皇.

Engishiki Shinmyo Cho (a list of shrines in the Engishiki), Kamotsuba jinja is listed under
Kamotsuhayae-Kotoshironushi-no-kami jinja 都波八重事代主命神社

Deities in residence :
Tsumihayae-Kotoshironushi-no-mikoto 積羽八重事代主命 (also called Kotoshironushi-no-kami)
Shitateruhime (or Shitateruhime-no-kami)

/ 津御名方命(たけみなかたのみこと)Takeminakata no Mikoto is an associated god.

They are deities to protect the country and provide a good rice harvest.

Takeminakata-no-kami (建御名方神) or Takeminakata-no-mikoto (建御名方命), also known as
Minakatatomi-no-kami (南方刀美神) or Takeminakatatomi-no-mikoto (建御名方富命)
Takeminakata is usually identified with the principal deity of Suwa Grand Shrine who is most often known under the epithet Suwa (Dai)myōjin (諏訪(大)明神), considered to be a god of wind, water and agriculture, as well as a patron of hunting and warfare,
- source and more : wikipedia -

Takeminakata no Mikoto is seen as
. koosaku no kamisama 耕作の神様 Kosaku no Kami, Deity of Cultivation .

- At the shrine Omiya Hachimangu in Hyogo
津御名方命(たけみなかたのみこと)Takeminakata no Mikoto  - 諏訪大神 Suwa daijin
- reference source : miki-oomiya.net -


- - - - - The main festivals are the

Spring festival in April 春祭り(4/7)
Summer Purification festival in June 夏越祭(6/30)
Autumn Festival 秋祭り宵宮 in October.

and the
Great Summer Festival,
the Lantern Festival on July 16 夏季大祭(7/16)

The lanterns are called

susuki choochin ススキ提灯 "lanterns like susuki pampas grass"

The lanterns on a stick are offered to the deities to pray for a good harvest, showing them the ear of the rice plant full of grains (lanterns).

They come in different sizes, for children, young adults and grown-ups to be carried.
The longest one's are about 4.5 meters long with two rows of four lanterns and a top row with two lanterns.
On top is a gohei 御幣 ritually folded paper

During the festival one person balances such a pole with lanterns on his arm, chin or forehead.
Others whirl the lanterns around like a ring of fire.

The "Group of young men of the Shrine" 若集会 are practising regularly to keep their bodies in good shape and keep the balance with the lanterns.
They also have a group with musicians for the traditional festival music 鴨若鼓.

HP of the Shrine
source : www6.ocn.ne.jp/~kamotuba

source : kamotuba.com

Performance during the NHK Matsuri Festival in 2013


- Reference -


Shimogamo Shrine 下鴨神社
Kamigamo Shrine 上賀茂神社
. The KAMO shrines of Kyoto .



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