Imamiya 今宮 Imamiya branch shrines
bunshi 分祀 - 分祠, bunsha 分社 "branch shrine"
niimiya, shinguu 新宮 "new shrine"
They belong to a honguu 本宮 Hongu main shrine and are often in the same compound as the main shrine.
A branch shrine. From the main shrine, the resident deity ( saijin ) may be entreated (kanjō) to impart (bunrei) the divine presence to another location as well, through the construction and dedication of a new small shrine (hokora) or branch shrine. Such is also called a bunsha, niimiya, or imamiya.
Instances of these can be seen in efforts to provide those living far away from the main shrine with opportunities for worship and, in the Meiji Period, to build branch shrines for settlers arriving in newly developed regions such as Hokkaidō and bringing their native deities with them.
source : Nishioka Kazuhiko, Kokugakuin 2007

Imamiya Jinja 今宮神社
Kyoto - 京都市北区紫野今宮町
Deities enshrined:
Onamuchi no mikoto - center 中御座:大己貴命
Kotoshironushi no mikoto - East 東御座:事代主命
Kushinadahime no mikoto - West 西御座:奇稲田姫命
at Eyamisha 疫社 (Shrine to protect from disease):
Susano no mikoto 素盞鳴命
eyami えやみ (疫病み) epidemy
794A.D. It is said that there was a small shrine which enshrined a deity of good health before 794, the year Heian Palace was built.
About 1000 years ago, a shrine building was build at present Imamiya jinja shrine’s place for protection against sickness and disease. The deity of good health, which had already resided in this area, was enshrined in this building. This shrine building was named Imamiya jinja shrine, which means new shrine.
English HP of the shrine
source : www.imamiyajinja.or
Omamor, Amulets and Talismans
Yasurai hitogata
This is a human effigy to pray for one’s good health. The shape of this human effigy was taken from Oni who dance in the Yasurai festival parade. An offered human effigy is purified and a priest prays for the good health of the people that offered it.
source : www.imamiyajinja.org
Details about Imamiya Jinja, Yasurai Festival and
. aburimochi, aburi mochi あぶり餅 slightly roasted dumplings .
It has been prepared for more than 1000 years, when the plague was raging in Kyoto. The shrine has been built in 1001 in order to appease the god of the pest. Now even in sprng for the festival they serve these dumplingt to the gods and hope for health for all inhabitants of Kyoto.
(Second sunday of April)

Imamiya Ebisu Jinja 今宮戎神社
Osaka - 大阪市浪速区恵美須町
Everyone in the merchant city of Osaka knows the Imamiya-Ebisu Jinja Shrine.
This shrine, which was founded in 600 by the order of Prince Shotoku, is visited annually by a million people, who pray to ’Ebessan,’a god of business, for commercial prosperity. During the Toka Ebisu Festival, people buy sacred bamboo branches decorated with lucky items in hopes for the success of their businesses. Many visit the shrine during the three days of Jan. 9 through 11, especially on the day of Toka Ebisu (held on the 10th).
source : www.osaka-info.jp/en
. WKD : Tooka Ebisu 十日戎 Ebisu festival on January 10 .
. 今宮戎神社の縁起物玩具 amulets from Imamiya Ebisu shrine .
. betsuguu, betsugū 別宮 Betsugu separate shrines - bessha 別社 .
shinguu shingū 新宮 Shingu "new shrine"
. honsha 本社 - honguu 本宮 main shrine .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
okera sai Imamiya no tai todokeraru
Okera festival -
a sea bream from Imamiya
has been delivered
Ishikawa Yoshisuke 石河義介
In Osaka at Kamagasaki 釜ケ崎 the whole area around the temple Tennooji 天王寺 Tenno-Ji was called "Imamiya". It was close to the fishing grounds of Sumiyoshi.
Since the beginning of the Tokugawa Edo period, it was customary to offer sea bream from Imamiya to the Gozushi shoo (Mizushi Dokoro) 御厨子所, the "Imperial Kitchen" on the New Year's Day.
- Reference : www.kamamat.org
. WKD : Okera mairi 白朮詣 Okera festival .
on New Year to get a bit of the sacred flame of okera, which is a medical herb, from the Shrine fire.
boya sawagi arite Imamiya Yoi Ebisu
the fuss about
a small fire - Night Festival
at Imamiya Ebisu shrine
Gotoo Onihashi (Kikyoo) 後藤鬼橋 Goto Onihashi
futamata no miki ni hitotsu ha Mizu Bunsha
a forked tree trunk
with one leaf - a shrine
for sharing water
Ibaraki Kazuo (Ibaragi) 茨木和生
(1939 - ) Haiku poet from Nara
There are various shrines called Mikumari Jinja 水分神社.
. Mikumari Jinja 御子守神社 Shrine for Childbirth .
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