
Matsushima Jinja


Matsushima Jinja 松島神社
2-15-2 Nihonbashi-Ningyocho, Chuo, Tokyo / 中央区日本橋人形町2-15-2

source : tokuhain.chuo-kanko.or.jp

- quote
Matsushima Shrine’s constant stream of visitors bears credence to its rep as a popular worshipping place for Daikokusama, one of Nihonbashi’s Seven Lucky Gods.
With shrine records destroyed during both the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923 and Second World War, exact timing of the shrine’s establishment can’t be verified; however, it’s estimated that Matsushima dates back to before the Genko era, 1321. At this time, the area was an island densely populated by pine trees, hence the shrine’s name: matsu (meaning ‘pine’) and shima (meaning ‘island’).

The shrine offers a rare variety of O-fuda (small tablets on which requests or words of religious significance are written) called Ryomu-fuda. It’s said these peculiar fuda induce dreaming when placed underneath a pillow at night.
Also popular are small arrow-shaped Omikuji (written fortunes).
- source : www.timeout.jp/en


- - - - -Deities in residence

Inari no Ookami 稲荷大神
Izanagi no Kami 伊邪那岐神, Izanami no Kami 伊邪那美神
Hinosaki no Ookami 日前大神 = Amaterasu no Ookami(天照大神) 
Kitano Ookami 北野大神- Sugawara Michizane(菅原道真公) 
Teokiho oi no Kami 手置帆負神 - Hikosashiri no Kami  彦狭知神
Awashima no Ookami 淡島大神, Yahata no Ookami 八幡大神
Sarutahiko no Kami 猿田彦神, Kotohira no Ookami 琴平大神
Ame no Hiwashi no Kami 天日鷲神- (大鳥大神)
Oomiya no Me no Kami  大宮能売神 - Okamesama (おかめさま)- close to Inari
Ookuninushi no Kami 大国主神〔 Daikoku

. Daikoku Ten 大黒天 - Ookuninushi 大国主神 .


- source : goshuin.ko-kon.net
stamp from the shrine

ryoomu fuda 良夢札 amulet for a good dream
You put it under your pillow with a written wish to be fulfilled by Daikoku / Okuninushi.
If you have a good dream that night, the wish will be granted.

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This charm with its picture of the god of wealth drawn in gold on beautiful Japanese paper, has its origins in a belief that if the owner placed the charm under their pillow on the first day of the Chinese sexagenary calendar cycle and the god, Okuninushi (lit. Master of the Great Land), appeared in their dream, then their auspicious dream would come true.

While the sexagenary cycle started on January 14, it is possible to get your prayers answered by making a wish the night before important events such as entrance exams, job hunting, business negotiations or to get over an illness. Take note: it’s important that you carefully select your charm and that you make your wish while writing it on it. When you dream about your wish, you must then visit Matsushima Shrine to tell the powers that be, and they will bless you so that it comes true.
- source : www.timeout.jp/en/tokyo

kootsuu anzen 『交通安全御守護』amulet for traffic safety


. anmin 安眠 to pray for beauty sleep .

. Tokyo and Edo Folk Art .


- Reference : 日本語

- Reference : English

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

source : d.hatena.ne.jp/noir555




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