
Aoshima Jinja


Aoshima Jinja 青島神社 Aoshima Shrine
〒889-2162 宮崎県宮崎市青島2丁目13番1号 - Miyazaki city, Aoshima
Hyuuga no Kuni 日向之国 The Land of Hyuga

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The deities enshrined here are

Hikohohodemi no mikoto 彦火火出見命 (also known as Yamasachihiko Yamasachi Hiko),
Toyotama-hime 豊玉姫命 (Princess Toyotama, wife of Yamasachihiko, daughter of the god of the sea) and
Shiotsuchi-no-Okina, Shiotsuchi no Oji, Shiozutsu no Ookami 塩筒大神 (old man of the the sea). 塩竈明神
- details see below -

It is not exactly clear when the shrine was built, but it was noted as a “Emperor Saga's Gyoagamematsuru Aoshima Daimyojin (a kind of god)“ by Kokushi official inspection notes on “products of Hyuga”. It is said that it was enshrined before the year 820.

In ancient times, the whole island was sacred ground and until the Edo period entry onto the island was not permitted.
Entry onto the island was only permitted from the 16th day of 3rd month to the end of the 3rd month of the Chinese calender. Also, it was forbidden for people from other regions to pray there.

After that, from May 23 of the 2nd year of the Genbun era (1737) permission was given for others to pray there and then the shrine gathered visitors from throughout Japan.
- source : www.miyazaki-city.tourism.or.jp


Aoshima shrine is supposed to give a divine blessing, especially to those who want to be married and sells ema 絵馬 votive tablets and other amulets for this purpose.

emakake 絵馬掛け
A special path through jungle and facilities to hang the ema votive tablets to pray for a good partner or good meeting.

With the story of Yamasachi Hiko, Umisachi Hiko and Toyotama Hime.

In the world of the sea, Yamasachi-hiko climbed a large tree in front of the palace of Watatsumi-Toyotama-hiko, guardian of the world of the sea. While he was there, Princess Toyotama came to the well to draw water. Startled to see a man in a tree, Princess Toyotama rushed back home and told her parents, "I saw a man in a tree when I went to the well to draw water. He looks noble and I am sure he is a very distinguished person." The god of the sea asked Yamasachi-hiko who he was. Yamasachi-hiko replied that he was the child of a god who had descended from heaven.

The god of the sea welcomed Yamasachi-hiko as an important guest, with much feasting and dancing. After a while, Yamasachi-hiko married Princess Toyotama and they lived together in the palace of the sea god.

Now that the fishhook was found, Yamasachi-hiko was able to return it to his brother. As he was about to leave for the earthly world, Princess Toyotama said to him, "Our baby will be born soon When I go into labor I will come to find you. So, please build a house there and wait for me."
Yamasachi-hiko went back to the earthly world, carrying the fishhook and two magic balls given to him by the sea god.

Yamasachi-hiko, feeling relieved, started to build a house for Princess Toyotama. However, before it was completed, Princess Toyotama came to him and told him that the baby was about to be born. She went into the house, warning him not to come and watch. At first, Yamasachi-hiko waited outside patiently. However, eventually he lost patience and looked inside. He found a huge shark giving birth to a baby.
Princess Toyotama's true form had been revealed to Yamasachi-hiko. She was heartbroken and went back to the world of the sea, leaving behind her newborn baby. The baby named Hikonagisa-Takeugaya-Fukiaezu-no-Mikoto, was brought up by Princess Toyotama's younger sister, Princess Tamayori.
He grew up and married Princess Tamayori who had brought him up. They had four children together: Hikoitsuse-no-Mikoto, Iinahi-no-Mikoto, Mikeirino-no-Mikoto and Kamuyamato-lwarebiko-no-Mikoto.

- - - - - Homepage of the shrine - English -
- source : www9.ocn.ne.jp/~aosima

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Toyotama hime
Toyotama hime and Tamayori hime are the daughters of the sea god Watatsumi in Shintō mythology.
- source : yokai.com/toyotamahime ... -


- Smaller shrines in the compound -

Wadatsumi Jinja 海積神社
- Toyotamahiko no Mikoto 豊玉彦命
- Sukuhikona na Mikoto  彦名命

Iso Jinja 石神社
- Hikohono Ninigi no Mikoto 彦火瓊瓊杵命
- Konohana Sakuyahime no Mikoto  木花開耶姫
- Iwanagahime no Mikoto 磐長姫命

Mi-Oya Jinja, Mioya Jinja 御祖神社
- This is a shrine for the ujiko members of the shrine community to pray for their souls.

Motomiya 元宮 "Original Shrine"
This is the beginning of the shrine complex. There have been remains of sherds from the Yayoi period and other findings.

The compounds have a subtropical climate with many amazing plants.

MORE about
. Ninigi, Sakuyahime and Iwanagahime .

. . Three Deities of Watatsumi / Wadatsumi 綿津見三神 . .


- Amulet to find a good partner

kamibina 神雛 "dolls of the Gods"
referring to Yamasachihiko and his wife, Toyotama.
The male doll has an eboshi had of status, the female doll has black hair, a red robe and a golden sash.

This amulet dates back to about 1775.
They are also used for other wishes to the deities, like easy birth, free from illness, safety on sea for fishermen, traffic safety and others.

- - - - - Homepage of the shrine - Japanese - with more Information -
- source : www9.ocn.ne.jp/~aosima/index

There is also a Museum of Legends of Deities from Hyuga
Hyuuga Shinwakan 日向神話館 Hyuga Shinwakan
- source : www9.ocn.ne.jp/~aosima/sinwakan


source and many more : www9.ocn.ne.jp/~aosima/omamori2

shiawase mamori しあわせ守り amulet for happiness
With the design of palm trees and the rock formation of the "Ogre's Washboard".


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At Aoshima Shrine you can also throw plates. You have to hit a certain area and then it means you’ll be blessed with good fortune.
- - - With more photos and explanations :
- source : zoomingjapan.com/travel


hadaka mairi 青島神社はだか参り Naked Shrine Visit
January 15

Takes place during the daytime on the beach, facing wave-shaped rocks called "Ogre's Washboard".
Local people and worshippers of the shrine dip into the sea to pray for safety and a good harvest in the coming year.

. Hadaka matsuri 裸祭り Naked Festivals .


Aoshima 青島 "Green Island"

This island is related to the legend of

. Umi no Sachihiko 海幸彦 - Yama no Sachihiko 山幸彦 .
They are the children of Ninigi and Konohana Sakuyahime.

. Toyotama Hime 豊玉姫 Princess Toyotama .

One of the main features of the island is that it is surrounded by unique rock formations referred to as the

oni no sentaku ita 鬼の洗濯板 "Ogre's Washboard".

- further reference - Aoshima, Miyazaki


- - - - - - A deity with many names in the old records :

Shiozutsu-no-Okina 塩筒老翁,
Shiozutsu no Oji, Shiozutsu no Ookami 塩筒大神 (old man of the the sea) 塩土老翁神
Shiotsuchi no Okina 塩土老翁, Shiotsuchi no Oji, Shiotsuchi no Kami 塩椎神

Kotokatsu Kunikatsu Nagasa - Koto Katsu Kuni Katsu Naga sa no Kami 事勝因勝長狭神

Shiotsuchi 潮つ霊, 潮つ路 - Deity who resides over the tide.

Shiogama Myoojin 鹽竈明神 / 塩釜明神 Shiogama Myojin, Deity of the Salt Chauldron

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Kotokatsukunikatsunagasa - Kotokatsu kunikatsunagasa no mikoto
A local kami who greeted the heavenly grandchild Ninigi upon his arrival at Kasasa of Ata no Nagaya (in Kagoshima Prefecture) after his descent from heaven (tenson kōrin).
Nihongi states that the kami made a free-will offering of the land to Ninigi. According to a variant "alternate writing" also provided by Nihongi, the kami is identified with Shiotsuchi no oji ("old man of the sea"), an offspring of Izanagi. Shiotsuchi no oji is described elsewhere as guiding Hohodemi to the Palace of the Sea, and telling Emperor Jinmu about the "fair land to the east," with the result that he is viewed as a tutelary kami of the sea.
- source : Kadoya Atsushi, Kokugakuin

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Here the Deity in a Noh play, same as 住吉明神(塩土老翁)Sumiyoshi Myojin.
He appears with long white hair to teach people the art of writing Waka poetry.

Also called 漁翁 "Old man of the fish"
- source : myacyouen-hitorigoto

. Shiogama jinja 鹽竈神社 .
Miyagi, Shiogama City - Shrine Shiwahiko Jina 志波彦神社


. Kojiki 古事記と宮崎 Sacred Places in Miyazaki .
"Record of Ancient Matters" and stories of Japanese deities

. Miyazaki Folk Art 宮崎県 and omamori 御守り Amulets .

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

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