
Fukuo Shrine Mie

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Fukuo Jinja 福王神社 Fukuo Shrine, Mie

三重郡菰野町大字田口 / Taguchi, Komono, Mie District, Mie

The shrine is located up on a steep slope, the 天狗坂 Tengusaka. It was established more than 1200 years ago by 聖徳太子 Prince Shotoku Taishi to venerate Bishamonten.
The main days of rituals are on days with a 3, where many people come to venerate.
During the time of 敏達天皇 Emperor Bitatsu Tenno (538 - 585), a statue carver named 安阿弥 Annami came from 百済 Kudara, Korea, and carved the statue of Bishamonten. Shotoku Taishi later placed it here to pray for the safety of the country and to protect shrine 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingu.

There are many very old sugi 杉 cedar trees in the compound.
One of them, said to be more than 1000 years old, is the sacred 太子杉 Taishi Sugi.
The forest around the temple used to belong to the 桑名藩 Kuwana domain.
Nearby there was also the famous cedar tree Tengu sugi 天狗杉 Tengu cedar in the Kuwana forest, but this cedar does not exist any more.

- - - - - Deity in residence - - - - -
毘沙門天王 Bishamonten-O

. Bishamon-Ten . 毘沙門天 Vaishravana .

. 聖徳太子 Prince Shotoku Taishi .


Mount 福王山 Fukuosan is famous for its Tengu legends and there are various Tengu statues on the access road.

猿田彦神 Sarutahiko

. Sarutahiko no Ookami 猿田彦大神 the Great Deity Sarutahiko .

The top of the mountain is rather flat and the local people called it
Tengu no Odori Koba 天狗の踊り小場 Small place for the Tengu to dance.


Tengu Soba 天狗そば Tengu Soba Buckwheat noodles

Tengu Saka 天狗坂 Tengu Slope Bicycle Race

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets

- - - - - HP of the Shrine
Look at many photos, all the way up to the uppermost shrine.
- source : jummy1015.blog91.fc2.com -


Yearly Festivals 年中行事

春の大祭 Great Spring Festival
秋の大祭 Great Autumn Festival

Tengu Oharai, O-harai 天狗おはらい Tengu Purification Ritual / 天狗のお払い at Setsubun

source : bankun.jp/staff_blog/fukuoujinja...

天狗の福もちつき Tengu pounding Fukumochi

. tengumochi 天狗餅 Tengu mochi rice cakes .


- Reference : 三重県菰野町 / 福王神社

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #fukuojinja -

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